Saturday 28 July 2012

Brain Drain - Human Resource Life Cycle

Brain Drain - Human Resource Life Cycle

Brain Drain predominantly a term more relevant towards flock emigration of a country’s skilled labor to a more developed region for lucrative opportunities. On micro level it can be depicted in case of companies as well. Where employers seek to pin down best possible raw heads from the market, invest on them with their scarce resource time and money to enclave a smarty head by adding value to them. But what they doom is a brain drain at end of a certain period.

This is a big dilemma businesses are faced today and has become a real challenge to answer too.  The lack of policy framework on grounds of basic human resource functions such as learning & development, succession planning and rewards have destined such ritual in the industry. It has become a norm for employees switching their nest frequently in search for career growth and development. According to a survey statistics stagnant career and limited diversity leads to half of the job switch in job market.

Organizations hire a potential candidate with rigorous recruitment process. Invest a lot of money and time molding them to company’s ideology and processes but off he goes when ripen. This is a sad story on part of growing businesses that wants to grow and fix employees with their on growing need and requirement. The answer to such turnover is deep rooted in medieval practices that are yet to overcome the visionary prospect of HR from personnel management.

The significance of writing on this topic is not to highlight poor HR policies rather to envision the adverse affect of brain drain to companies, which usually gets over shadowed under criticism of disloyalty and de-motivation on employees part.   It’s high time for companies now to implement proper human resources accounting mechanism in practice. To better able to evaluate value addition in employees over certain period of time, this comes from experiences and training & development of each employee in an organization.

Organizations are not able to realize the loss of a skilled labor until and unless a gap demons their efficiency and effectiveness. Organizations with high turnover can easily adjudge the cost of re-training employees on both monetary and time constraints scale. This adds to loss of productivity leading on a curse to their comparative advantage in the long run.

Thus, it envisions for more strategic decision making at the board room level. Where directors need to have a bird view to seek for a bigger picture rather encompass a narrow view to the situation. They should be able to evaluate cost of brain drain from company which can develop a big loop in whole process and adds a burden on returns to company not only restricting to employee turnover rates.

Keywords:Brain Drain, HR Policies, Motivation, High Turnover